When the sun sets, I will go home. At this time, my mother has prepared delicious meals and waited for me at home.中文:放學后我一般會去體育場進行鍛煉,跑步和打籃球都是我喜愛的鍛煉方式。在鍛煉的過程中我收獲了很多,不僅流了許多汗,還交了很多朋友,這對我來說是很有意義的。
Then he said good night with my parents. Go to bed.中文翻譯:我在下午放學后寫我的家庭作業。媽媽下班后開始做飯。爸爸下班后開始畫稿紙。飯熟了,我們就去吃飯。吃完飯后,我繼續寫作業。媽媽看電視。爸爸玩電腦。我寫完作業后,就去洗澡。然后跟爸媽說晚安。就睡覺。
具體的翻譯如下:What are you going to do after school?放學之后你打算做什么呢?I want to buy a pair of shoes. Where is the shoe store?我想買一雙鞋。鞋店在哪里?Its next to the hospital.它在醫院的旁邊。
1、放學后的英語:after school,英 [ɑft(r) skul] 美 [ftr skul]。放學后,我們就在車行道上打籃球。After school wed be on the driveway shooting baskets。放學后直接回家來。Come straight home after school。
2、after school 放學后 /after class 下課后。都可用于表達放學之后。
3、after school after class 都可以。
4、放學后 [詞典] after school;[例句]放學后我帶孩子們去公園野餐。
after school 放學后 /after class 下課后。都可用于表達放學之后。
after school after class 都可以。
放學后的英語:after school,英 [?ɑ?ft?(r) sku?l] 美 [?ft?r sku?l]。放學后,我們就在車行道上打籃球。After school wed be on the driveway shooting baskets。放學后直接回家來。Come straight home after school。
放學后的英文釋義:after school 放學后的英文例句:孩子們放學后沒有回家,我非常擔心。I was anxious about the children when they didnt e back home from school.杰克放學后就到店鋪里幫一把。Jack helps out in the store after school.孩子們放學后在花園里嬉戲。
放學后英語是after school。英語是按照分布面積而言最流行的語言且母語者數量是世界第三,僅次于漢語、西班牙語。它是學習最廣泛的第二語言,是近60個 *** 國家的官方語言或官方語言之一。
1、放學之后的情景:After school, my friend, Li Ming and I go home together. When we go across the street, we see an old man. He is too week to cross the street himself. We help him across the street. He says, “Thanks a lot.”以上共五句話,純屬原創,放心采納。
2、綜述:Although school life is very busy, school life is rich and colorful. I like playing basketball after school. I often play basketball with my friends. Some students go home right after school. Some students go to interest classes.雖然學校生活很忙,但放學生活是豐富多彩的。
3、the teacher realized that there would be no other students asked him anything and left.The remaining students finished cleaning the classroom and left one by one,leaving the classroom empty which seemed a little tranquil.放學了。一些對科目沒什么興趣或有急事要做的學生毫不猶豫地離去。
4、我喜歡聽音樂和閱讀,所以空閑時間我經常上網聽音樂半個小時。Its a good way to relax yourself.這是自我放松的一種好方式。I often read books before I go to bed.睡覺前我經??葱?。Besides, I often go swimming after school.此外,放學后我經常去游泳。
1、放學后的英語:after school,英 [ɑft(r) skul] 美 [ftr skul]。放學后,我們就在車行道上打籃球。After school wed be on the driveway shooting baskets。放學后直接回家來。Come straight home after school。
2、放學后 [詞典] after school;[例句]放學后我帶孩子們去公園野餐。
3、after school after class 都可以。
4、after school 放學后 /after class 下課后。都可用于表達放學之后。
5、放學后: after school Examples: 放學后直接回家。Come straight away after school. 孩子們放學后在花園里嬉戲。The children froliced in the garden after school. 今天下午放學后我將走路回家。I will walk home after school this afternoon. 杰克放學后就到店鋪里幫一把。
6、你知道放學后的英語怎么說嗎?下面一起來看看吧。放學后的英文釋義:after school 放學后的英文例句:孩子們放學后沒有回家,我非常擔心。I was anxious about the children when they didnt e back home from school.杰克放學后就到店鋪里幫一把。